Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Beginning of Ending the Beginning: An Explanation

 A Note On Text: Kristin's writing will be in this font, Michaela's writing will be in this font.
The Kind of Truth:

                It is profoundly frightening to think that in a year I will be flying who (yet) knows where to go to THE COLLEGE, LE UNIVERSITÉ, LA UNIVERSIDAD, DER HOCHSCHULE. My suitcases packed with so little of everything I own, goodbyes (almost tearful but not quite) all said. Crying comes two months in when I have a mental break down after my roommate steals my shampoo. All said and done and gone and me out there adrift on currents of some cliché that I haven’t figured out. Because the truth is, and this is what really makes the aforementioned profoundly frightening, I have not figured out much of anything but the way I like my eggs.
                And what with all this suffocating fear of the future I prefer not to think of the future at all but instead focus on what I want to be doing now. Most of what I want to be doing now is silly and fun. Lots of the things I missed out on as a child (flying a kite). Lots of the things I didn’t do nearly enough as a child (feeding the ducks). Some of the things it is widely agreed every senior must do (prom). And some things we always talk about doing but never do (Star Wars marathon).
                So what the heck. I really want to go climb a tree and gosh darn it I am going to go climb a tree before it just gets creepy.

The Other Truth:

                Mike and I really want to write a blog. Why? Easy experimentation in egoism perhaps. Also the idea of a bucket list before graduation appealed to me. Plus practice pontificating makes (potentially) perfect. Writing being a possible career option (right below acting or rather write below acting (please, please forgive me)). Mostly I think it’s the ego thing, at least for me (see above actor comment for explanation).

The Lie:

Fame and fortune. Not that I would refuse either.

The bucket list was entirely Kristin's idea, but the moment she brought it up I understood what she was getting at. I feel that everyone I talk to is pushing me to make decisions about my future, but can't I at least finish my childhood properly first? There are things I haven't done yet that I should do, and things that I have done that deserve to be revisited.
So, here's the plan: we do something from our list at least every other weekend. We'll both write about it, and perhaps post pictures. And we'll try to get the most out of this ending of the beginning of our lives. Wish us luck.
-Kristin and Michaela

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